Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kitchen safety rules

Kitchen safety rules

As the kitchen has to deal with the continuous running food order of food, this area is always risky. The jobs become more difficult when the limited manpower have to complete large functions. There may be accident in this condition so safety precaution are important for the kitchen crew. They have to follow following safety rules to avoide accdients.
  1. Sleeves of coat should be rolled down while working.
  2. A thick cloth is important for handling hot utensils.
  3. The steam should be turned off before opening steamers.
  4. Careful attention to be paid when cooking deep frying items.
  5. The machines used should be in correct running orders before use.
  6. Gas cylinders should be away from the cooking range.
  7. Make sure that the kitchen floor are clean, dry and should not have any grease accumulated.
  8. Knife handles should be grease free and the blade should be sharp.
  9. Before cleaning, plugs a machines should be extracted out.
  10. Machines should be correctly fitted before use.


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